Dedicated To

Justice For Consumers

Compassionate Handling Of Discrimination And Harassment Cases

Experiencing discrimination and harassment in the workplace can make going to work an extremely difficult and emotional experience. If you find yourself in this situation, a lawyer can help you understand your options for taking back control of the situation.

Our attorneys, James R. Kristy and Kurt Kananen, are aggressive advocates for our clients who have suffered negative employment actions in the workplace. We work throughout California from our Los Angeles area-based office of Kristy & Kananen, tirelessly seeking to right the wrongs you have suffered at work. We are confident in our representation, not backing down from even the largest employer who has committed illegal actions against you.

Protected Classifications

You may not be discriminated against or subject to any other retaliatory employment actions based upon numerous classifications that are protected under California law, including:

  • Age
  • Sex (sexual orientation, pregnancy, gender identity)
  • National origin
  • Race or color
  • Genetic information
  • Religion
  • Disability

Sexual Harassment Cases

Being sexually harassed at work can not only cause workplace issues but also take a mental toll on the person who is being harassed. It is essential that this behavior stop and that your employer does not tolerate it. If you have reported sexual harassment to your manager and nothing has been done or you have been fired and retaliated against, you need legal representation. You have the right to be free from harassment in the workplace, and your employer has a duty to maintain a nonhostile work environment. Together, we can seek compensation for what you have suffered as a result of workplace sexual harassment or harassment on other grounds.

Take Action To Protect Yourself Today

We are here to help you through any situation involving discrimination or harassment at work. To learn more, get in touch with our office today and schedule a free consultation. Call us at 888-473-0934 or contact our office online now.