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Remedies for California victims of employment discrimination

On Behalf of | Jun 23, 2021 | Employment Law - Employee

In California, it is illegal for a company with more than five workers to discriminate against prospective or current employees. In addition, the Fair Employment and Housing Act protects employees in both the private and public sectors. Thus, employers should not harass employees, volunteers or interns. FEHA is under the aegis of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

Multi-factor employment discrimination in California

In most cases, employees face discrimination for just one trait. For example, employees might face discrimination due to their age, sex, gender and race. Multiple factor employment discrimination is where an employer discriminates a worker based on more than one trait. You can sue an employer for hiring, firing or promoting employees due to certain traits.

According to California employment law, people are protected in cases of discrimination against their:

  • Color
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Medical condition
  • Sexual orientation

The labor laws in the state also prohibit workers from:

  • Discrimination on language barriers
  • Discrimination on political choice
  • Failure to allow a lactation break
  • Failure to prevent discrimination
  • A hostile working environment

Remedies for employment discrimination

Victims of employment discrimination are subject to several potential remedies. Some of the common ones include:

  • Getting reinstated to the former position
  • Receiving back pay
  • Compensation for monetary damages
  • The losing party pays attorney fees and other court costs
  • Change in the company’s policies
  • Training to avoid employment discrimination

Why hire an attorney?

Employment discrimination claims can be complex and difficult to pursue on your own, and they require an in-depth knowledge of applicable law. Thus, if you believe that you have been a victim, consider discussing your situation with an experienced attorney.
